2010年8月, 达赖喇嘛尊者在德国与一群华人会面, 有人问: 尊者您一再强调愿意做中国人, 请问您所指的中国是北京的中华人民共和国还是台湾的中华民国?达赖喇嘛回答说:孙中山时代的中华民国是最理想的中国。当时, 人们以为达赖喇嘛在开玩笑, 然而, 恢复中华民国的呼声一浪高过一浪,”三个中国“的论述开始形成:即邪恶的苏共中国, 沦陷的中华民国和自由的中华民国台湾, 人们提出驱逐共匪国,重建五色旗时代(1912年到1928年)的中华民国, 而那正是孙中山时代的中华民国!
maandag 21 maart 2016
台湾的问题由台湾自己去解决,西藏的问题也是这样, 有西藏人自己去处理。 沦陷区的问题才是我们真正应该面对的问题。 台湾不管叫什么, 台湾国也好,台湾省也好,中华民国也好, 其实他们已经放弃了沦陷区,也已经背叛了沦陷区的中国人。 因此沦陷区的中国人早就应该组织起来, 自己的事情自己做, 自己的权利自己争, 自己的生命自己掌握, 自己的国家自己救。 既不能依靠台湾, 更不能依靠其他国家。
共匪可以叫嚣他们的中华人民共和国是唯一合法的中国, 可是沦陷区的中国人可以不认可共匪政权为合法的政权啊, 而台湾其实早就是独立的啊, 这是事实!所以如果沦陷区也独立出来, 抛弃共匪, 那共匪政权就成了“空国”!三国时候时候有诸葛亮空城计, 难道今天就不可以有空国计吗? 事实上, 三个中国早就已经形成了: 斯大林建立的中华共匪国, 台湾的中华民国, 还有就是中华民国沦陷区。可是沦陷区的中国人甘愿将自己的命运, 自己的国家, 自己的钱包交别人来管, 而自己只会抱怨和遥遥无期地等待, 同时遭受无限的痛苦。
不要等待别人来拯救沦陷区, 事实上, 因为沦陷区处于地狱般的灾难和痛苦之中,邪恶在那里的猖狂, 让台湾看不到希望, 让西方看不到希望, 让全世界全人类人类看不到希望, 所以, 他们被迫与魔共舞, 魅了良心与共匪共同盘剥沦陷区中国人。
因此, 沦陷区才是世界的希望所在, 灾难中的沦陷区中国人组织起来,强大起来, 在国际上发出坚定的“NO”,不仅否认中共政权是我们的中国, 更否认西方国家目光短浅,把沦陷区人民的人权当作与共匪政权之间的交易,, 他们来向共匪施压, 共匪就大把大把地向他们撒钱, 而这些钱都是沦陷区人民的血汗钱, 是以沦陷区将来几代人的生存环境为代价的, 更是活摘沦陷区百姓的器官而得来的血腥之钱。
人类需要安定, 平和, 正派地, 有尊严地活着, 中华民国继承了中华古人的仁义道统,同时又融汇了西方政治的民主,是中国的正统,也是人类的正统,因此重建中华民国才是中国的希望, 台湾的希望, 西藏的希望, 亚洲的希望, 世界的希望。而这个任务只有沦陷区的中国人才配承担,才能承担。
zaterdag 12 maart 2016
请问您认同中华民国沦陷区这个概念吗? 如果是, 那么这封短信请您继续看下去, 如果不是,您不需要继续看这封信, 并请原谅我打扰了您,我祝福您平安, 幸福。
我們是來自全世界的華人, 面對共匪政權近百年來禍亂中華道統,肆無忌憚地屠殺中華子民1億之多, 近年來又瘋狂活摘法輪功學員器官以謀取暴利,這種暴行用”邪惡“這個詞來形容已經不夠分量。這樣的暴行以及允許這種暴行發生的政權必須從人類生存的空間徹底清除, 否則是對人類尊嚴的侮辱。
雖然我們的政治立場和宗教信仰不同, 但是我們有一個共識, 那就是:我們的中國是中華民國, 中國大陸是中華民國淪陷區。我們認為重建中華民國是解決目前中華神州大地這場歷史上從未有過劫難的最佳出路。
在歐洲的荷蘭首府海牙, 也就是國際法庭和國際刑事法庭所在地,我們成立了中華真相委員會這樣的組織,準備註冊,組織的介紹如下:
--维护尊严 匡扶正义
Truth Commission China
-- for Justice and Dignity
Truth Commission of Occupied Territory of Republic of China -- for Justice and Dignity
的简称, 其他简称还有
TCC 真委會
1. 還原並促進推廣中華民國歷史真相。
Restoration and promotion of history and truth about Republic of China
2. 替中華民國淪陷區共產黨受害者向中共當局經濟索賠。
Aiding economic claims from the Chinese Communists Regime on behalf of the citizens and residents of Occupied Territory (mainland) of Republic of China, who are victims of the Chinese Communists Regime.
3. 搜集整理在中華民國淪陷區犯下侵害人权罪行的嫌犯资料,送交國際刑事法庭并推动審判。
Collecting and compiling of legal documents about criminal suspects of human rights violations in Occupied Territory of Republic of China, and promoting trial cases in International Court of Justice.
正式的網頁正在建立之中, 這是臨時的 http://www.tcctruth.blogspot.be/
希望得到您的支持, 不管以什麼形式的支持我們都非常感謝。道義上的支持也好, 實際行動也好,介紹您的朋友來支持我們, 或者把我們做的事告訴別人也好,都是支持。我們將盡最大的努力不讓您失望。
我們需要一個能夠代表全球華人的隊伍, 可以加你的名字嗎?或者你能代表一個組織嗎?我們所需要的其實只是您授權我們, 因為我們需要大量的同胞或者是他們的組織授權我們。這樣我們的行動才能有合法性, 才有在國際上談判的分量。謝謝您看了這封信, 期待您的回音。回信可發到 roclxzhonghua@gmail.com

图片说明:汤志敏美华2014年10月10日国庆节在中华民国驻荷兰使馆门前演讲, 呼吁从共匪国独立出来, 回归正统!
请问您认同中华民国沦陷区这个概念吗? 如果是, 那么这封短信请您继续看下去, 如果不是,您不需要继续看这封信, 并请原谅我打扰了您,我祝福您平安, 幸福。
我們是來自全世界的華人, 面對共匪政權近百年來禍亂中華道統,肆無忌憚地屠殺中華子民1億之多, 近年來又瘋狂活摘法輪功學員器官以謀取暴利,這種暴行用”邪惡“這個詞來形容已經不夠分量。這樣的暴行以及允許這種暴行發生的政權必須從人類生存的空間徹底清除, 否則是對人類尊嚴的侮辱。
雖然我們的政治立場和宗教信仰不同, 但是我們有一個共識, 那就是:我們的中國是中華民國, 中國大陸是中華民國淪陷區。我們認為重建中華民國是解決目前中華神州大地這場歷史上從未有過劫難的最佳出路。
在歐洲的荷蘭首府海牙, 也就是國際法庭和國際刑事法庭所在地,我們成立了中華真相委員會這樣的組織,準備註冊,組織的介紹如下:
--维护尊严 匡扶正义
Truth Commission China
-- for Justice and Dignity
Truth Commission of Occupied Territory of Republic of China -- for Justice and Dignity
的简称, 其他简称还有
TCC 真委會
1. 還原並促進推廣中華民國歷史真相。
Restoration and promotion of history and truth about Republic of China
2. 替中華民國淪陷區共產黨受害者向中共當局經濟索賠。
Aiding economic claims from the Chinese Communists Regime on behalf of the citizens and residents of Occupied Territory (mainland) of Republic of China, who are victims of the Chinese Communists Regime.
3. 搜集整理在中華民國淪陷區犯下侵害人权罪行的嫌犯资料,送交國際刑事法庭并推动審判。
Collecting and compiling of legal documents about criminal suspects of human rights violations in Occupied Territory of Republic of China, and promoting trial cases in International Court of Justice.
正式的網頁正在建立之中, 這是臨時的 http://www.tcctruth.blogspot.be/
希望得到您的支持, 不管以什麼形式的支持我們都非常感謝。道義上的支持也好, 實際行動也好,介紹您的朋友來支持我們, 或者把我們做的事告訴別人也好,都是支持。我們將盡最大的努力不讓您失望。
我們需要一個能夠代表全球華人的隊伍, 可以加你的名字嗎?或者你能代表一個組織嗎?我們所需要的其實只是您授權我們, 因為我們需要大量的同胞或者是他們的組織授權我們。這樣我們的行動才能有合法性, 才有在國際上談判的分量。謝謝您看了這封信, 期待您的回音。回信可發到 roclxzhonghua@gmail.com
图片说明:汤志敏美华2014年10月10日国庆节在中华民国驻荷兰使馆门前演讲, 呼吁从共匪国独立出来, 回归正统!
vrijdag 11 maart 2016
从共匪国独立出来, 回归正统!
2016年3月10日, 海牙, 纪念藏人抗共起义57年
参加者中, 除了藏人,荷兰人等其他西方国家的公民之外, 还有越南人和苏里南华裔
中华民国沦陷区自治政府筹备会发言人汤志敏美华一场"向藏人学习,学习他们谦卑, 慈悲,真诚和坚持。西藏的斗争告诉了我们,只有从共匪国独立出来, 回归正统中华民国, 才能自由中国, 自由台湾, 自由香港, 自由澳门, 自由西藏, 自由维吾尔, 自由蒙古, 自由北韩, 自由亚洲, 自由世界!”的演讲, 感动了所有的参加者。她说:每当走在藏人的队伍里, 内心就有无限的慈悲涌动, 连我说话的语气也变得柔和而有力, 虽然说话的速度会比平时慢, 可是每个人都会很耐心的听我讲,我的思路也格外清晰, 演讲时也不需要用演讲稿。
连值班的荷兰警察都被感动了。旗杆太大,本来不符合游行法规定, 因为可以成为打人的武器, 在汤志敏美华耐心地解释了五色旗和青天白日满地红旗都是中华民国的国旗, 不幸都被共匪禁止使用, 所以这两面旗帜对她的演讲很重要之后, 警察破例允许她讲演完了才把旗杆给他, 以免被用来做武器打人。
所以中华民国的两面国旗就这样被批在了汤志敏美华的身上, 到挺庄重, 不是吗?
maandag 7 maart 2016
聯手西藏!自由中國!Support Tibet! Free China!
We dot not agree with the word Chinese bezetting (occupying)! No. It is a Communists Bezettings! Because the REAL China (中華民國 Republic of China) is also occupied by the Communists Evil! We need to fight together! Not against each other!
我們不能同意使用中國占領了西藏這個說法, 應該是中共佔領了西藏。因為真正的中國(中華民國)也被邪惡中共佔領了! 為了共同的自由, 我們需要並肩戰鬥, 而不是互相鬥!
Op 10 maart wordt wereldwijd door Tibetanen en supporters de Tibetaanse volksopstand tegen de Chinese bezetting herdacht die in 1959 in Lhasa plaatsvond.
Zoals ieder jaar organiseert ICT de herdenking van de volksopstand samen met de Tibetaanse gemeenschap in Nederland en de Tibet Support Groep.
Deze 57ste herdenking wordt dit jaar, in het kader van het Nederlandse voorzitterschap van de EU, gehouden in de vorm van een vredestocht door Den Haag.
Het programma begint met een demonstratie bij de Chinese Ambassade met aansluitend een vredesmars via het Vredespaleis en de Tweede Kamer en zal eindigen bij het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Vredesmars voor Tibet – loop mee en laat je stem horen!
9.30 uur Vertrek vanuit Amsterdam met bussen* 汽车从阿姆斯特丹出发
10.30 uur Programma Chinese Ambassade** 中共使馆
11.30 uur Vredesmars via het Vredespaleis, het Plein, naar Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken经国际法庭(和平宫)到荷兰国会
12.30 uur Overhandiging memorandum bij Ministerie van Buitenlandse
Zaken 向荷兰外交部长递交和平西藏备忘录
12.45 uur Voortzetting Vredesmars naar Centraal Station 和平游行到海牙中心火车站
13.00 uur Einde programma (vertrek met bussen naar Amsterdam)* 结束游行乘车回阿姆斯特丹
* geef je tijdig op voor busvervoer van Amsterdam-Den Haag via: shiba.degenhart@savetibet.nl
** Adriaan Goekooplaan 7, Den Haag
- See more at: https://savetibet.nl/nieuws-en-agenda/nieuwsoverzicht/2016/februari-2016/10-maart-herdenking-tibetaanse-volksopstand/#sthash.CpDu4by0.dpuf
我們不能同意使用中國占領了西藏這個說法, 應該是中共佔領了西藏。因為真正的中國(中華民國)也被邪惡中共佔領了! 為了共同的自由, 我們需要並肩戰鬥, 而不是互相鬥!
Op 10 maart wordt wereldwijd door Tibetanen en supporters de Tibetaanse volksopstand tegen de Chinese bezetting herdacht die in 1959 in Lhasa plaatsvond.
Zoals ieder jaar organiseert ICT de herdenking van de volksopstand samen met de Tibetaanse gemeenschap in Nederland en de Tibet Support Groep.
Deze 57ste herdenking wordt dit jaar, in het kader van het Nederlandse voorzitterschap van de EU, gehouden in de vorm van een vredestocht door Den Haag.
Het programma begint met een demonstratie bij de Chinese Ambassade met aansluitend een vredesmars via het Vredespaleis en de Tweede Kamer en zal eindigen bij het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
Vredesmars voor Tibet – loop mee en laat je stem horen!
9.30 uur Vertrek vanuit Amsterdam met bussen* 汽车从阿姆斯特丹出发
10.30 uur Programma Chinese Ambassade** 中共使馆
11.30 uur Vredesmars via het Vredespaleis, het Plein, naar Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken经国际法庭(和平宫)到荷兰国会
12.30 uur Overhandiging memorandum bij Ministerie van Buitenlandse
Zaken 向荷兰外交部长递交和平西藏备忘录
12.45 uur Voortzetting Vredesmars naar Centraal Station 和平游行到海牙中心火车站
13.00 uur Einde programma (vertrek met bussen naar Amsterdam)* 结束游行乘车回阿姆斯特丹
* geef je tijdig op voor busvervoer van Amsterdam-Den Haag via: shiba.degenhart@savetibet.nl
** Adriaan Goekooplaan 7, Den Haag
- See more at: https://savetibet.nl/nieuws-en-agenda/nieuwsoverzicht/2016/februari-2016/10-maart-herdenking-tibetaanse-volksopstand/#sthash.CpDu4by0.dpuf
zondag 6 maart 2016
zaterdag 5 maart 2016
Protest letter to the Thai Government
Arrest and repatriation of refugees from Occupied Areas of Republic of China by Thai goverment, in cooperation with the Chinese Communist government is a shame!
Dear Thai government and Thai people,
Today, March the 3d, 2016, we learned that the Thai government, despite of pressure from the international community and in cooperation with the Communist government, following arrest and repatriation of democrats such as Jiang Yefei, Dong Guangping, Gui Minhai from Occupied Areas of the Republic of China, as well as a large number of Ughurs, Falun Gong practitioners whose belief is Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, has again arrested and is preparing for the repatriation of 9 Chinese UN-protected political asylum applicants. As shown in the following picture from left to right, they are: Dong Junming, two brothers of Li Xiaolong, Song Zhiyu, Li Xiaolong and his 1-year-old child, his wife Gu Qiao and their year-old children, Zhang Wei. These 9 persons have all recognization and protection from UNHCR as refugees.

We are very concerned about this development. Please think of any ways to protect the safety of this nine people immediately and please safe guard the safety of all in Thailand remained refugees from the Occupied Area of the Republic of China.
More and more evidences show that the Thai government is becoming increasingly not only closer and closer to Chinese Communists bandits, but also an accomplice of the evil Chinese Communist Party. Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha publicly told the media that he did not care for response of the international community, he felt that the repatriation of refugees to Communists China is in the interest of Thailand and he did not consider hemself wrong. We hope that the Thai government repent on this, does not take the 1.4 billion people in the Occupied Areas of Republic of China as enemies and does not become the enemy of the human conscience.
Thailand is a Buddhist country. It should have been based on compassion, enlight the world to brightness, peace, humanity and ration. It should promote good while punishing evil. How can Thailland does nothing to save people while they need? And even become an accomplice of evil against innocent victims, adding insult to injury?
CCP is from the origin the European Satanism. It is from the nature anti-heaven, anti-earth, anti-human. It is an evil force in this universe. Its ultimate goal is to destroy the mankind. By promoting atheism and evolution, it destroys mankind's belief in the deities. By destroying mankind's orthodox culture and normal life, it brings human to the state of killing, acting like the devil. "Communism" is only the word just for deceiving people.
History has shown that wherever communism sweaps , there are natural disasters, man-made holocausts, lies, violence, power misuse and famine. The communist camp of the former Soviet Union is already disintegrated.These regions all have embarked on a democratic path and rebirth. The crimes committed by the Communists are in liquidation. These regions and countries have put the "Communist Party" and the "Nazi" side by side. And Communist Party has became a banned organization . Chinese Communist regime's collapse and disintegration is also only a matter of time. At that time, people of unjustly occupied area of the Republic of China will put Communist regimes and their international accomplices to trial and liquidation. We really do not want to see that Thailand becomes one of them.
Republic of China is Asia's first democratic republic, the first to use "zhong guo - China" as the name of the country, so "zhongguo - China" as the name of the country exclusively belongs to the Republic of China . From the beginning,Thailand and Republic of China are also good allies. However, Communists Party, as a wandering evil spirit in Europe, selected China-the Divine land long ago. Because among the ancient human civilizations, Chinese civilization is still an alive one. Moreover, in the history of 5000 years of human development, dynasties en their nationals of the Divine land all gave respect to their heavenly destiny, sharing their divine civilization, spreading their gifts from Heaven, such as the wanderful skills and products, selflessly around the world. So in evil spirits opinion, if the Chinese civilization is destroyed, its evil purposes can be easily implemented. So Soviet Union instigated and provoked the Sino-Japanese war to drag the Republic of China into the sea of bitterness of war, Soviet Union took this opportunity to establish a "Chinese Soviet" to split the Republic of China. Then Soviet Union pretended to be the mediator, forcing the Chinese military cooperate with the Communist guerrillas, forcing the ruling National Party of the Republic of China accept the Communist Party members. Since then, the CCP was able to legally make use of espionage, denial, rogue and all acts of terrorism to undermine the Republic of China. Chinese government had to move to Taiwan, the mainland of Republic of China is fallen into the Communist clutches.
Since the communist terrorists in mainland of Republic China, under the slogan of pseudo-democracy, took the political power illegally for themselves, they have never delivered on their commitment to democracy. But they have never stopped killing and persecution of innocent Chinese people. The number of killed Chinese people by the CCP regime in the past 67 years is estimated at over 100 million, of which 80 million can be historically dated! In today's era which is seen as highly civilized, CCP is launching organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. The number is up to several millions. Crimes against humanity, or genocide, it does not matter how you may call. This is the biggist evil on this planet ever!
In addition to maliciously slaughtering and insulting citizens in the occupied areas of Republic of China, Communists regime but also kidnapped the United Nations, so that the CCP regime of Satan was able to take the international status of Republic of China. Remenber. Republic of China was one of founding menbers of the United Nations and was one of the five permanent members of UN Security Council till 1971. The word "Republic of China" is thereafter forced to be erased from the brain of the Chinese people as well as the peoples from the whole world. National flag of Republic of China was replaced by the CCP with Satanism worshipped red five-star flag. National anthem of the Republic of China was replaced with war promoted bloody military song. Term China as well as Chinese nation are forcibly to be delimited to the term of Chinese Communists Party. Since then, the Chinese people as well as people from the whole world do not know the simplest fact that Chinese Communist Party is not equal as China. People have lost their normal thinking and judgment,. They blindly equivalent Chinese Communist Party to China and the Chinese nation. Anyone who opposes the CCP, is immediately and shamefully labeled as anti-China.
Fortunately, Thailand is a democratic country and has signed "the Universal Declaration". Of all China's neighbors is Thailand the only country where Refugee Agency of the United Nations to be found. It is an very, very important channel through which Chinese refugees can escape from the clutches of the CCP. Therefore, the attitude of the Thai Government to the Chinese refugees not only determines their life or death, but also determines the future of humanity and conscience. Therefore, dear Thai government and Thai people, we urge you, in the name of human morality and conscience, please uphold the goodness in your heart, please reject the bribe and economic insanity of the Chinese Communists terrorists. We believe that no matter how crazy the evil can be, righteousness belongs to those who adhere to the conscience, belongs to you, belongs to us.
Dear Thai government and Thai people, perhaps you think that the CCP is a very powerful country, is a large economic power in the world. But you should see that the so-called economic power of the CCP is just boasted on some fabricated data, it is based on nationals exploitation and plundering of resources of Chinese descendants in the coming generations. Currently, a large number of influencial enterprises of the United States, Japan and Taiwan, are pulling out of the Communist Occupied area. Some bold experts predict that the bubble economy of the CCP bandits will completly collapse in about six months. Western countries and civil society, such as the Netherlands, are in discussions and deployments in response to disastrous scenarios which the collapse of Chinese Communist country shall bring to them. In order to to suppress mass uprisings the one after another, in order to maintain the crumbling regime and in order to attempt delaying judicial trials and liquidation, CCP regime needs also money.Therefore CCP kills people alive, removes their organs to achieve huge profits. In order to find excuses to deceive the world for its crimes, CCP regime launches fake news and fake videos, like the one about self-immolation on the Tiananmen Square by Falun Gong practitioners. CCP is also succesfully able to slander the Dalai Lama and succesfully depict the Dalailama as a separatist, a breakdown advocate and refuses for dialogue, But in fact the Dalai Lama has repeatedly stressed that he is willing to do be Chinese citizen!
Dear Thai government and Thai people, perhaps you think even the Chinese themselves have recognized this evil regime, you as a neighbor, as foreigner, feel powerless. But you should know about the facts. In past 67 years, Chinese in the occupied area never ceased their resistance. They are not submissive, not complaining. Some of them are waiting in frustration. Others are accumulating their strength in silence. Some are up in arms, according to incomplete statistics, there are about 500 mass uprisings every day in indifferent size in the occupied areas of Republic of China. You should also see that the CCP high-levels are biting each other, grappling with each other becuase of corruption and anti corruption. In essence, even high officials of Chinese Communist regime are so despairated about their regime that their children, families, their property are all transferred to other countries. Such a rotten regime, how comes that Thailand is willing to curry favor with it?
If the Thai government is really for the benefit of Thailand, like Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said, then Thai government should see the truth, should be a friendly to Chinese people and should condemn and resist the CCP's despotic power. Why? Because only when the Chinese Communist regime is completely swept into the dustbin of history, Asia as well as the world can run in normal economic and ecological environment. Thailand can then enjoy the real peace.
Since ancient times, we, Chinese people are hard-working , intelligent, courageous, and generous. When the evil CCP's tyranny is cleared from the space of human existence, we will, as in the history, create brilliance again. We, Chinese people, all love our country very much. We escape from our home in the Divine land, which nurishes us generations after generations is really a choice of last resort. We are sure that one day, we will return to our land, rebuild our homes. Then we shall be very grateful to have being protected by the grace of your government and your people! We promise to work with Thailand hand in hand, side by side, as friendly neighbors and allies in a new era of history!
Self-government of Occupied Areas of Republic of China
Together with Truth Commission China --For Justice and Dignity
March the 3d 2016 in The Hague, The Netherlands
Dear Thai government and Thai people,
Today, March the 3d, 2016, we learned that the Thai government, despite of pressure from the international community and in cooperation with the Communist government, following arrest and repatriation of democrats such as Jiang Yefei, Dong Guangping, Gui Minhai from Occupied Areas of the Republic of China, as well as a large number of Ughurs, Falun Gong practitioners whose belief is Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance, has again arrested and is preparing for the repatriation of 9 Chinese UN-protected political asylum applicants. As shown in the following picture from left to right, they are: Dong Junming, two brothers of Li Xiaolong, Song Zhiyu, Li Xiaolong and his 1-year-old child, his wife Gu Qiao and their year-old children, Zhang Wei. These 9 persons have all recognization and protection from UNHCR as refugees.

We are very concerned about this development. Please think of any ways to protect the safety of this nine people immediately and please safe guard the safety of all in Thailand remained refugees from the Occupied Area of the Republic of China.
More and more evidences show that the Thai government is becoming increasingly not only closer and closer to Chinese Communists bandits, but also an accomplice of the evil Chinese Communist Party. Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha publicly told the media that he did not care for response of the international community, he felt that the repatriation of refugees to Communists China is in the interest of Thailand and he did not consider hemself wrong. We hope that the Thai government repent on this, does not take the 1.4 billion people in the Occupied Areas of Republic of China as enemies and does not become the enemy of the human conscience.
Thailand is a Buddhist country. It should have been based on compassion, enlight the world to brightness, peace, humanity and ration. It should promote good while punishing evil. How can Thailland does nothing to save people while they need? And even become an accomplice of evil against innocent victims, adding insult to injury?
CCP is from the origin the European Satanism. It is from the nature anti-heaven, anti-earth, anti-human. It is an evil force in this universe. Its ultimate goal is to destroy the mankind. By promoting atheism and evolution, it destroys mankind's belief in the deities. By destroying mankind's orthodox culture and normal life, it brings human to the state of killing, acting like the devil. "Communism" is only the word just for deceiving people.
History has shown that wherever communism sweaps , there are natural disasters, man-made holocausts, lies, violence, power misuse and famine. The communist camp of the former Soviet Union is already disintegrated.These regions all have embarked on a democratic path and rebirth. The crimes committed by the Communists are in liquidation. These regions and countries have put the "Communist Party" and the "Nazi" side by side. And Communist Party has became a banned organization . Chinese Communist regime's collapse and disintegration is also only a matter of time. At that time, people of unjustly occupied area of the Republic of China will put Communist regimes and their international accomplices to trial and liquidation. We really do not want to see that Thailand becomes one of them.
Republic of China is Asia's first democratic republic, the first to use "zhong guo - China" as the name of the country, so "zhongguo - China" as the name of the country exclusively belongs to the Republic of China . From the beginning,Thailand and Republic of China are also good allies. However, Communists Party, as a wandering evil spirit in Europe, selected China-the Divine land long ago. Because among the ancient human civilizations, Chinese civilization is still an alive one. Moreover, in the history of 5000 years of human development, dynasties en their nationals of the Divine land all gave respect to their heavenly destiny, sharing their divine civilization, spreading their gifts from Heaven, such as the wanderful skills and products, selflessly around the world. So in evil spirits opinion, if the Chinese civilization is destroyed, its evil purposes can be easily implemented. So Soviet Union instigated and provoked the Sino-Japanese war to drag the Republic of China into the sea of bitterness of war, Soviet Union took this opportunity to establish a "Chinese Soviet" to split the Republic of China. Then Soviet Union pretended to be the mediator, forcing the Chinese military cooperate with the Communist guerrillas, forcing the ruling National Party of the Republic of China accept the Communist Party members. Since then, the CCP was able to legally make use of espionage, denial, rogue and all acts of terrorism to undermine the Republic of China. Chinese government had to move to Taiwan, the mainland of Republic of China is fallen into the Communist clutches.
Since the communist terrorists in mainland of Republic China, under the slogan of pseudo-democracy, took the political power illegally for themselves, they have never delivered on their commitment to democracy. But they have never stopped killing and persecution of innocent Chinese people. The number of killed Chinese people by the CCP regime in the past 67 years is estimated at over 100 million, of which 80 million can be historically dated! In today's era which is seen as highly civilized, CCP is launching organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. The number is up to several millions. Crimes against humanity, or genocide, it does not matter how you may call. This is the biggist evil on this planet ever!
In addition to maliciously slaughtering and insulting citizens in the occupied areas of Republic of China, Communists regime but also kidnapped the United Nations, so that the CCP regime of Satan was able to take the international status of Republic of China. Remenber. Republic of China was one of founding menbers of the United Nations and was one of the five permanent members of UN Security Council till 1971. The word "Republic of China" is thereafter forced to be erased from the brain of the Chinese people as well as the peoples from the whole world. National flag of Republic of China was replaced by the CCP with Satanism worshipped red five-star flag. National anthem of the Republic of China was replaced with war promoted bloody military song. Term China as well as Chinese nation are forcibly to be delimited to the term of Chinese Communists Party. Since then, the Chinese people as well as people from the whole world do not know the simplest fact that Chinese Communist Party is not equal as China. People have lost their normal thinking and judgment,. They blindly equivalent Chinese Communist Party to China and the Chinese nation. Anyone who opposes the CCP, is immediately and shamefully labeled as anti-China.
Fortunately, Thailand is a democratic country and has signed "the Universal Declaration". Of all China's neighbors is Thailand the only country where Refugee Agency of the United Nations to be found. It is an very, very important channel through which Chinese refugees can escape from the clutches of the CCP. Therefore, the attitude of the Thai Government to the Chinese refugees not only determines their life or death, but also determines the future of humanity and conscience. Therefore, dear Thai government and Thai people, we urge you, in the name of human morality and conscience, please uphold the goodness in your heart, please reject the bribe and economic insanity of the Chinese Communists terrorists. We believe that no matter how crazy the evil can be, righteousness belongs to those who adhere to the conscience, belongs to you, belongs to us.
Dear Thai government and Thai people, perhaps you think that the CCP is a very powerful country, is a large economic power in the world. But you should see that the so-called economic power of the CCP is just boasted on some fabricated data, it is based on nationals exploitation and plundering of resources of Chinese descendants in the coming generations. Currently, a large number of influencial enterprises of the United States, Japan and Taiwan, are pulling out of the Communist Occupied area. Some bold experts predict that the bubble economy of the CCP bandits will completly collapse in about six months. Western countries and civil society, such as the Netherlands, are in discussions and deployments in response to disastrous scenarios which the collapse of Chinese Communist country shall bring to them. In order to to suppress mass uprisings the one after another, in order to maintain the crumbling regime and in order to attempt delaying judicial trials and liquidation, CCP regime needs also money.Therefore CCP kills people alive, removes their organs to achieve huge profits. In order to find excuses to deceive the world for its crimes, CCP regime launches fake news and fake videos, like the one about self-immolation on the Tiananmen Square by Falun Gong practitioners. CCP is also succesfully able to slander the Dalai Lama and succesfully depict the Dalailama as a separatist, a breakdown advocate and refuses for dialogue, But in fact the Dalai Lama has repeatedly stressed that he is willing to do be Chinese citizen!
Dear Thai government and Thai people, perhaps you think even the Chinese themselves have recognized this evil regime, you as a neighbor, as foreigner, feel powerless. But you should know about the facts. In past 67 years, Chinese in the occupied area never ceased their resistance. They are not submissive, not complaining. Some of them are waiting in frustration. Others are accumulating their strength in silence. Some are up in arms, according to incomplete statistics, there are about 500 mass uprisings every day in indifferent size in the occupied areas of Republic of China. You should also see that the CCP high-levels are biting each other, grappling with each other becuase of corruption and anti corruption. In essence, even high officials of Chinese Communist regime are so despairated about their regime that their children, families, their property are all transferred to other countries. Such a rotten regime, how comes that Thailand is willing to curry favor with it?
If the Thai government is really for the benefit of Thailand, like Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said, then Thai government should see the truth, should be a friendly to Chinese people and should condemn and resist the CCP's despotic power. Why? Because only when the Chinese Communist regime is completely swept into the dustbin of history, Asia as well as the world can run in normal economic and ecological environment. Thailand can then enjoy the real peace.
Since ancient times, we, Chinese people are hard-working , intelligent, courageous, and generous. When the evil CCP's tyranny is cleared from the space of human existence, we will, as in the history, create brilliance again. We, Chinese people, all love our country very much. We escape from our home in the Divine land, which nurishes us generations after generations is really a choice of last resort. We are sure that one day, we will return to our land, rebuild our homes. Then we shall be very grateful to have being protected by the grace of your government and your people! We promise to work with Thailand hand in hand, side by side, as friendly neighbors and allies in a new era of history!
Self-government of Occupied Areas of Republic of China
Together with Truth Commission China --For Justice and Dignity
March the 3d 2016 in The Hague, The Netherlands
vrijdag 4 maart 2016
抗议泰国政府配合中共, 抓捕并遣返沦陷区难民
今天, 2016年3月3日,我们获悉, 泰国政府不顾国际社会的压力, 继抓捕并配合中共匪府遣返中华民国沦陷区民主人士姜野飞, 董光平, 李新, 桂敏海以及大批被迫逃亡的维吾尔人和以真善忍为信仰的法轮功学员之后, 又抓捕并准备遣返因绝望而买船冒死离开泰国, 不幸遭遇风暴的9名已经取得联合国保护的中国政治避难申请人士。如如下图片从左到右所示,他们是: 董俊明,黎小龙的两个弟弟,宋志宇,黎小龙与他一岁的孩子,妻子顾巧和他们七岁的孩子, 张玮。

越来多的事实让我们看到泰国政府越来越靠近共匪, 已经成了邪恶中共的帮凶。泰国总理巴育公开对媒体表示,他不在乎国际社会的反应,他觉得遣返中国难民是为了泰国的利益,他不认为自己做错了。我们希望泰国政府改邪归正,不要与14亿中华民国沦陷区的民众为敌, 不要成为人类良知的公敌。
泰国是个信仰佛教的国家, 本应以慈悲为怀, 开导世人归向光明, 和平, 人道和理性,本应该扬善惩恶,怎么可以见死不救, 甚至成为邪恶的帮凶, 对无辜的受害者落井下石呢?
中共的起源是欧洲的撒旦教,是反天, 反地, 反人的一种邪恶力量。其最终目的是要将人类毁灭, 宣扬无神论和进化论,以毁灭人类对神佛的信仰, 毁灭人类正统文化和正常的生活方式,以变异人类为互相残杀的魔鬼。 “共产主义”这个词只是为了蒙蔽世人而已。 历史已经证明, 凡共产主义席卷的地区, 处处是天灾, 人祸, 谎言, 暴力,强权和饥荒。 前苏联共产阵营已经解体, 这些地区都已经走上了民主和重生的道路, 并正在清算共产党人犯下的罪行, 这些地区和国家纷纷将“共产党”和”纳粹“并列,共产党成为被取缔的组织。中共政权的垮台和解体也只是时间的问题。到时候, 蒙冤的中华民国沦陷区民众将会对共匪政权以及他们的国际帮凶进行审判和清算。 我们真的不希望泰国因此而成为被清算的对象。
中华民国是亚洲第一个民主共和国, 最先使用“中国”作为国名,因此“中国”作为国名是中华民国的特指。中华民国也是泰国较好的友邦, 然而, 游荡在欧洲的邪灵共产党早就已经选中了中国神州, 因为在人类古老的文明中, 中华文明还是活生生的文明。 而且, 在人类发展的五千年历史中, 神州历朝历代的臣民皆奉天命,向全人类传播神传的文明, 把神所赐给他们的光辉无私地传播到世界各地。所以在邪灵看来, 如果将中华文明毁灭掉, 那么其邪恶目的就很容易实现了。于是苏共唆使和挑起中日战争, 将中华民国拖入战争的苦海, 并乘机建立“中华苏维埃”政权,以分裂中华民国。苏共还以调停者的身份,强迫中华民国国军与中共游击队合作, 强迫执政的中国国民党接纳中共党员, 从此, 中共以间谍, 抵赖, 流氓和所有的恐怖主义行径破坏中华民国。中华民国政府不得不迁往台湾, 大陆地区沦陷于中共魔掌,到今天已经67年了。
自从共产恐怖主义份子在中国神州大地上,以伪民主的口号非法窃取政权以来, 从来没有兑现过其关于民主的承诺,也从来没有停止过屠杀和迫害无辜的中国百姓, 到今天为止, 死于中共恐怖主义政权的中国人人数估计在一亿以上,其中有史可查的就是8千万!就是在今天这个高度文明的时代, 中共活体摘除法轮功修炼者器官,数量高达数百万之多, 犯下反人类罪,群体灭绝罪,堪称这个星球上从未有过的邪恶!
中共恐怖主义政权除了肆意屠杀侮辱中华民国沦陷区公民之外, 还绑架了联合国,让中共的撒旦政权代替了曾经参与建立联合国, 并且是联合国安理会常任理事国的中华民国的国际地位。将“中华民国”这个词从中国人乃至世界人民的脑中强行抹去,中华民国的国旗被中共以撒旦教所崇拜的红五星旗替代, 中华民国的国歌被以宣扬战争和血腥的军歌所替代, 中国乃至中华民族被强行与中共绑定。 从此,中国人乃至世界人民不知道了中共不等于中国的道理。 人们失去了正常地思维和判断,盲目地把中共等同于中国和中华民族。谁要是反对中共, 马上就被贴上了反华, 反对中国的标签。
好在泰国是一个民主的国家,是《世界人权宣言》的签字国, 是中国邻国中唯一个驻有联合国难民署的国家,是中华民国沦陷区难民逃出中共魔掌的重要通道。因此泰国政府对中国难民的态度决定了他们的死生,也决定了人类的良知和未来。 因此,尊敬的泰国政府和泰国国民, 我们恳请你们本着人类的道德和良知, 守住你们心中的善良,拒绝中共匪府的强权和经济收买, 我们相信, 无论邪恶多么疯狂,正义属于那些坚守良知的人们, 属于你们, 也属于我们。
尊敬的泰国政府和泰国国民,也许你们会觉得, 中共国是很强大的,是经济大国了, 但是, 你们要看到, 中共自吹的所谓经济强国只是一些编造的数据, 是以对中国国民的剥削和对他们后代子孙资源的掠夺为基础的。目前, 大批美国, 日本, 台湾的大企业正在纷纷撤离中共匪区, 有专家预测, 共匪的泡沫经济将在半年左右彻底倒闭。西方国家和民间, 比如荷兰, 已经在开展讨论并部署中共匪国经济倒闭给他们带来的灾难的应对措施。中共为了镇压此起彼伏的民众起义, 为了维护摇摇欲坠的政权以拖延被审判和清算, 可以杀人, 强行摘除他们的器官以牟取暴利。为了欺骗世界为其罪行找到借口, 可以导演法轮功学员在天安门自焚的假新闻和假视频。 可以污蔑达赖喇嘛, 把他塑造成为分列主义者而拒绝与他对话, 而事实上,达赖喇嘛一再强调他愿意做中国人的事实。
尊敬的泰国政府和泰国国民,也许你们会觉得连中国人自己都已经认可了这个邪恶政权, 你们作为邻国, 作为外国, 无能为力,但是你们要看到, 67年以来, 中华民国沦陷区的民众从来没有停止过反抗, 他们没有逆来顺受, 没有怨天尤人,他们有的在无奈中等待, 在沉默中积累,有的正在揭竿而起,据不完全统计,沦陷区平均每天有500起大小不同的群众性起义事件。现在中共的高层借反腐之名正在互相撕咬, 互相拼杀,实质上,连中共政权的官员们都已经对他们的政权不抱希望, 他们的子女, 家眷, 财产早就已经转移到了其他国家。这样一个烂透了的政权, 怎么泰国反而要去巴结呢?
如果泰国政府真的是向巴育总理说的那样,是为了泰国的利益, 那么泰国政府应该看清真相,应该对中国公民友善,应该谴责和抵御中共的淫威, 因为只有中共政权被彻底扫入历史垃圾堆的时候,亚洲乃至世界才能形成正常的经济和生态环境, 泰国才能平安。
我们中国人自古都是勤劳的, 聪明的, 勇敢的,宽容的, 当中共邪恶暴政被从人类生存的空间清除了的时候, 我们会向从前一样,再造辉煌。我们都是很爱自己国家的, 我们逃离世世代代养育我们的神州家园实则是迫不得已的。总有一天, 我们会回到我们的国土,重建我们的家园。 我们将会永远感谢贵国政府和国民的保护之恩!我们将与泰国成为手联手, 肩并肩的邻帮和盟友, 共同走向历史新的纪元!
中华真相委员会 www.truth-commission-china.blogspot.be
附因绝望而买船冒死离开泰国, 不幸遭遇风暴的9名已经取得联合国保护的中国政治避难申请人士的公开信
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