自去年以來,針對占中等香港市民要求真普選的行動,中國(共)官方先後用“非法”、“霹靂手段”、“中央政府不會坐視不管”、“派遣解放軍駐港部隊協助維持社會治安”、 “中央會有充分準備”、“中央是香港的堅強後盾”等說辭進行威嚇。雖然,北京尚沒有直白地說出“武力鎮壓”,而且在香港動武將要付出的政治、經濟代價北京不可能不計量,但人們都知道相對於香港中央除了國家暴力“硬實力”以外幾乎沒有什麼威懾力,其所謂的“堅強後盾”不可能是十三億人民也不可能是中國特色社會主義的“軟實力”,它只可能是中央實施暴力的能力以及人們對暴力的恐懼。鑑於中共當局數十年來用暴力鎮壓異議運動和維權運動的歷史和現實,人們擔心香港“天安門事件”的發生並非完全沒有根據。
1. 上網 http://wh.gov/lhJ2E
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4. (非常重要)回到你的電子郵箱,等待大約一分鐘,你會收到白宮的自動回復電子信,點擊信中“Confirm your signature by clicking here:”字樣下面的鏈接,完成簽署。
我們是居住在美國和世界各地、熱愛民主捍衛人權普世價值的人們,我們請求您密切關注香港市民要求香港特首和立法會真普選的活動,敦促北京遵守“中英聯合聲明”和“香港基本法”,把選舉權交還給香港市民。由於北京在香港民主選舉問題上數次毀諾,尤其是8月31日中國人大常委會關於港首普選辦法的決議實際否決了香港市民真普選的要求,香港市民的大規模和平抗爭不可避免。 “讓愛與和平佔領中環”的發起人對甘地和馬丁·路德·金等踐行的“公民抗命”精神有深刻的理解,香港市民的抗爭從來都堅守非暴力原則。但是鑑於北京暴力鎮壓異議的歷史和現實,我們擔心1989年天安門屠殺在香港重演。我們認為美國和國際社會有責任阻止這樣的流血悲劇的發生。為此,我們強烈請求美國政府向北京當局和香港當局明確預警,表達堅決反對任何可能的對和平示威的香港市民進行武力鎮壓的立場,表明美國和國際社會將對用武力解決政爭的行為進行嚴厲懲罰的決心。
公民力量 Citizen Power for China/Initiatives for China
港加聯Canada-Hong Kong Link
讓愛與和平佔領中環多倫多支援會Occupy Central with Love and Peace Toronto Support Group
溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會(Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement)
民主教育基金會 (Democratic Education Foundation)
北京之春 (Beijing Spring)
自由西藏學生運動 (Students for Free Tibet)
南蒙古人權信息中心 (Southern Mongolia Human Rights Information Center)
维吾尔美国协会 (Uygur American Association)
民主中國陣線(Federation for a Democratic China)
全球支持中國和亞洲民主化論壇(Global Support for Democratization in China and Asia)
民主中國聯合陣線 (Alliance for a Democratic China)
中國共和黨 (Chinese Republican Party)
中國社會民主黨(China Social Democratic Party)
加拿大價值守護者聯盟(Canadian Core Value Guardian)
中國民主黨海外聯合總部(China Democracy Party United Headquarter – Overseas Division)
悉尼民主平台 (Sydney Democracy Platform)
台灣關懷中國人權聯盟(Taiwan Association for China Human Rights)
島國前進(Taiwan March)
台灣勞工陣線協會(Taiwan Labour Front)
社團法人自由通訊傳播協會(Association for Free Communication)
台灣青年反共救國團(China Youth Anti-Communist National Salvation Corps)
台灣維吾爾之友會 (Taiwan friends of Uyghur)
獨臺新社 (Taiwan Independence Reformation)
台灣促進和平基金會 (Peacetime Foundation of Taiwan)
中華國際人權促進會(Youth for Human Rights of the Republic of China)
滕彪 (人权律师,哈佛大学访问学者)
胡佳 (中國大陸)
楊憲宏 (台灣)
陶君行 (香港)
馮玉蘭 (加拿大,負責國際社會、海外港人)
周盛康 (加拿大,負責海外港人)
傅希秋 (美國,負責國際社會、基督教會)
朱婉琪 (台灣, 負責法輪功)
恩赫巴圖 (美國,負責蒙古人權人士)
丹增卓噶 (美國,負責西藏人權人士)
Peace Hong Kong Initiative:
Please Sign on our Petition to the White House:
Support Hong Kong Democracy and Prevent A Second Tiananmen Massacre in Hong Kong
We ask all the democracy-loving people living in the United States and other parts of the world to sign our We The People petition to the White House on Hong Kong which urges the US government to monitor the constitutional crisis in Hong Kong, press the Chinese Government to honor their promise of democratic elections to the Hong Kong citizenry, and prevent a second Tiananmen Massacre from happening in Hong Kong. Our goal of having the White House respond to this crisis can be achieved by reaching 100,000 signatories by Oct. 4, 2014. Please forward to friends and colleagues to support this petition.
Goal: Have the U.S. government to warn Beijing that any effort to crackdown peaceful demonstrations in Hong Kong by force will be strongly opposed and severely punished.
Requirement: 100,000 signatories by Oct 4, 2014
3 Easy Steps:
1. Go to: http://wh.gov/lhJ2E
2. Sign with First Name, Last Name, and Email on the right column.
3. [Important!] Check your email from the White House, and CONFIRM your signature.
Under the “One Country Two Systems” principle, China pledged in the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984, and the "Basic Law," the constitution of Hong Kong, that the Hong Kong voters could freely choose their own leader. Beijing has repeatedly breached this promise of meaningful universal suffrage.
Widespread peaceful protests and demonstrations by the understandably outraged public ensued: but they are scheduled to increase in September and October. Chinese officials have intimidated or shut down voices of protest and threatened even more interference by Beijing and its People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops stationed in Hong Kong. Given Beijing's records of using force to suppress peaceful dissent, we fear repetition in Hong Kong of the infamous 1989 Massacre in Tiananmen Square. But this time, the United States has ample warning of the danger and could take steps to prevent it.
The most recent crisis began in June, when Beijing issued a bizarre interpretation of the "Basic Law," undermining the rule of law in Hong Kong and eroding the guaranty of free elections. The formal promise of “Hong Kong people running Hong Kong with a high level of autonomy” was replaced by authoritarian concepts such as "complete jurisdiction", "oversight by the Central Government" and “judges must be patriotic.”
On June 22, almost 800,000 people participated in a Civil Referendum, and 90% of them voted for a proposal of citizens selecting the nominees for Chief Executive. OnJuly 1, over 500,000 people protested on the streets to underline this demand. Nevertheless, in July, the Hong Kong Government's Report to Beijing on the selection of a Chief Executive in 2017 denied that the referendum reflected "mainstream opinion," and said nothing on how the public could participate in the nominating process. The voice of the people had fallen on deaf ears. This is a huge step backward in Hong Kong's constitutional development.
On August 31, the Chinese People’s Congress Standing Committee released its rules to select Hong Kong's 2017 Chief Executive. A Nominating Committee will be composed of 1,200 Hong Kong persons, but mainly approved by Beijing. Candidates for Chief Executive must obtain approval from the majority of the Nominating Committee and the only two to three candidates will be chosen. Voters selecting leaders from 2-3 government approved candidates is not meaningful “universal suffrage”. The Hong Kong people’s hopes for democracy are once again shattered.
These edicts from Beijing have made large-scale peaceful protests in Hong Kong inevitable. Organizers of the activist movement "Occupy Central with Love and Peace" and other pro-democracy groups will organize non-violent actions through September, culminating in a possible large-scale sit-in that will likely block traffic in Hong Kong’s financial district.
The right to peaceful assembly and freedom of press are enshrined in the Hong Kong Bill of Rights, as well as in the Basic Law and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), an international treaty that applies to Hong Kong.
In early July, Hong Kong police briefly detained over 500 participants and organizers for their role in peaceful protests that called on the Hong Kong and Beijing governments to deliver genuine democracy.
In July, Hong Kong’s House News, one of Hong Kong’s most popular independent media outlets known for its support of Occupy Central, closed after its owner released a letter saying he was “fearful” and citing political pressure from China.
On August 28, 2014, the Hong Kong's "anti-corruption agency" (ICAC) raided the media owner Jimmy Lai’s home in connection with his donations to pro-democracy legislators. The pro-democracy legislator Lee Cheuk-yan’s home was also raided on the same day.
Chinese officials in charge of Hong Kong affairs have responded to the Occupy Central movement by threatening a few times that China’s Hong Kong-based People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops will use force, if necessary, to suppress peaceful demonstrations. We fear this is the likely tragic outcome.
We also believe that the United States and the international community have the responsibility to prevent such bloody tragedies from happening. While the Tiananmen Square Massacre surprised the world, this time Washington is on notice. We hereby strongly appeal to the U.S. government to make it clear to the Beijing authorities and Hong Kong government that any effort to crackdown peaceful demonstrations by force will be strongly opposed, and that the US government and the international community are determined to severely punish any use of force in settling political disputes.
Goal: Have the U.S. government to warn Beijing that any effort to crackdown peaceful demonstrations in Hong Kong by force will be strongly opposed and severely punished.
Requirement: 100,000 signatories by Oct 4, 2014
3 Easy Steps:
1. Go to: http://wh.gov/lhJ2E
2. Sign with First Name, Last Name, and Email on the right column.
3. [Important!] Check your email from the White House, and CONFIRM your signature.
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