The White House House Response to We the People Petition on the Protests in Hong Kong
我们正密切关注香港的形势。在世界范围内,美国支持国际公认的基 本自由,比如和平集会自由和言论自由。我们敦促香港当局保持冷静 克制,让示威者和平地表达观点。
美国支持香港普选,这也与香港的基本法相一致;美国也支持香港人 对普选的渴望。我们坚信,一个开放的、高度自治的、法治的社会对 香港的稳定和繁荣至关重要,这也正是香港能成为今天这个如此成功 的国际大都市的原因。我们一直在向北京当局表明我们在香港问题上 的立场,我们也将继续下去。
我们相信,如果香港基本法中关于普选特首的承诺能够得以履行, 如果香港人民能够从真正代表民意的候选人中作出选择, 香港特首的合理合法性将大幅提升。
The White House House Response to We the People Petition on the Protests in Hong Kong
We are watching the situation in Hong Kong closely. Around the world, the United States supports internationally recognized fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression. We urge the Hong Kong authorities to exercise restraint, and for protestors to express their views peacefully.
United States supports universal suffrage in Hong Kong in accordance
with the Basic Law and we support the aspirations of the Hong Kong
people. We believe that an open society, with the highest possible
degree of autonomy and governed by the rule of law, is essential for
Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity -- indeed this is what has made
Hong Kong such a successful and truly global city. We have consistently
made our position known to Beijing, and we will continue to do so.
believe that the legitimacy of the Chief Executive will be greatly
enhanced if the Basic Law's ultimate aim of selection of the Chief
Executive by universal suffrage is fulfilled and if the election
provides the people of Hong Kong a genuine choice of candidates
representative of the voters' will.
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