dinsdag 28 oktober 2014


图片说明:2014年6月4日, 荷兰海牙, 中共使馆门口, 参加大赦国际组织的6.4纪念抗议活动,行为艺术:我们都是坦克人


欧盟副主席、外交与安全政策高级代表(暨欧盟外交部长)Catherine Ashton女士在当天的辩论会上发布声明。

Catherine女士在声明中说,欧盟强烈支持依据基本法、“一国两制”的原则以及香港人民的意愿在香港成功实施特首和立法会的双普选。她强调欧盟重视香港的稳定、繁荣和民主发展,而这些都将依赖对包括和平集会,自由表达和司法独立在内的基本权利和自由的坚持,欧盟对周二进行的政府与学生的对话表示欢迎,鼓励更进一步的对话以找到各方都能接受的妥协方案,达成合理的选举制度。在声明中,Catherine Ashton女士还表达了对中国政府对中国内地众多支持香港抗议活动的人士实施的逮捕表示关注,她说“我们将继续敦促中国尊重其宪法保障的、其在国际条约里承诺的言论、信息、和平集会等自由权利。 推动人权保护对中国平稳发展、加深与欧盟的关系以及扮演负责任的国际利益相关者是至关重要的。” 针对香港,Catherine Ashton女士最后说:“我们将继续密切监督局势的发展,必要的时候会发出声音。欧盟是奠基在价值上的联盟,我们将继续尽力促进香港对基本权利和自由以及民主原则的尊重,就像我们在世界各地所做的一样。”


Cristian Dan Preda议员表示对欧洲在香港问题上的沉默感到遗憾。他说,“我们应该捍卫自由言论和政治自由。我相信,最终各方会达成共识,避免使用暴力。如果事情变得越来越复杂,并有暴力发生,那就成了一场悲剧。” Teresa Rodriguez-Rubio议员也批评了欧洲在香港问题上的态度。他说,“我们其实很虚伪,因为我们对和中国的贸易往来更有兴趣。香港是重要的商业中心,与民主背道而驰的法案限制了香 港人的政治参与权,但是我们却支持香港那些反民主的‘精英人士’。我们现在得明白,香港人是不信任反民主的政府的。”同样表达了对欧洲在香港问题上的做法的不满的还有Javier Narts议员,除此之外,他还说,“我们在这里不仅仅是在说香港,我们说的是中国的民主化进程,我们在说普选问题,甚至在伊朗都有普选,他们还有议院。我们真的要对香港坐视不管吗?”

Charles Tannock和Bill Etheridge议员则在他们的发言中提到了“六四天安门事件”。Charles Tannock说,“我们欧洲必须让独裁的中国明白,让香港按照他希望的那样在民主的环境下蓬勃发展,是一个能让中国共产党在国际社会上更加自信的机会,而不是一个以不安全为借口进行镇压的机会,就像二十多年前在天安门广场上发生的事情一样。”而Bill Etheridge议员说,“香港挺住。雨伞成为保护民众争取民主的标志。”议员说,“这是个人反抗强权的经典案例。我希望香港人的行动能够鼓舞到中国大陆的人们,让他们也为了民主大声反抗,让天安门广场上的冤魂都能听到。”

Reihard Butikofer议员说,“如果中国当局有一点善意,他们会向民主运动作出让步。我也希望他们会这么做,那样双方就能和平地将问题解决。” Richard Howitt 议员谈论了Christian Chan关于警察对和平示威者动用暴力的报道。

Fredrick Federley和Helga Trupel议员则都表达了对香港学生的支持。 Helga Trupel说,“我敬佩香港的学生和示威者的勇敢、意志和劲头。他们要求2017年自由选举,不希望候选人由中国共产党预审。我很高兴现在香港特首和示威者展开了对话。我希望不要有暴力发生,不能接受第二次‘天安门大屠杀’。我们也不希望看到警察的暴力行为。我坚信,一个真正民主发展的香港会是一个更加稳定的城市,这也是为什么现在必须开展严肃的谈判。我也要求到2017年,首候选人是没有经过中国共产党预审的,真正开放的。”

We are urging you to join us in our letter writing campaign pushing our members of parliament to support the people of Hong Kong in their pursuit of a genuine democratic government. The address of your MP can be found in
If you prefer hard copy, you can mail it to their office and no postage is required. You can send him/her the letter with the background as attachment. A sample is pasted below. All you have to do is insert your MP's name, name of your riding, your name and your address. Your MP have to address any letter written to him/her from people from their riding (identified by your postal code). This is the least you can do for your brothers and sisters in Hong Kong.
Sample letter:
Member of Parliament for (name of your riding)
October xx, 2014

Re: Actions by the Government of Canada to Support the Democractic Movement in Hong Kong

Dear Mr./Ms ...,

I am writing to appeal to you and your government to take concrete and positive actions in support of the democratic movement in Hong Kong. You would have already seen the massive news coverage around the world of the Umbrella Movement currently taking centre stage in Hong Kong. You would have already been briefed by your political staff and government bureaucrats as to the strategic significance of the Umbrella Movement not only for China but for Canada and the world. Now it is time for the Government of Canada to take action!

With the APEC CEO Summit and APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Dialogue with Leaders taking place on November 9th and 10th, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, together with many of the world leaders, will gather in Beijing, China. The APEC Summit is a good platform for Prime Minister Harper to assume a leadership role in urging the Chinese leadership to honour its commitments by achieving a full and genuine democratic government for the people of Hong Kong.

Further, the Chinese leadership needs to be reminded that Hong Kong is under the watchful eye of the whole world, and that the safety and fundamental human rights of the protesters in the peaceful Umbrella Movement, many of whom are Canadian, should be safeguarded and protected.

We strongly appeal to you and your government to take the following actions:

1. PM Harper to express, on behalf of Canadians, our concern over the situation in Hong Kong to the Chinese leadership during the APEC CEO Summit and Dialogue with Leaders;

2. PM Harper to issue a joint statement, together with the other world leaders, in support of the democratic movement in Hong Kong by calling for China to honour its commitment, to respect and implement genuine universal suffrage when they are in China;

3. The Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development to conduct an inquiry or a public hearing on the situation in Hong Kong, engaging all parliamentarians, representatives from Hong Kong and Canadian community groups concerned about Hong Kong issues;

4. The all-party House Leaders to table a motion in the House of Commons to debate on the situation in Hong Kong as well as the Umbrella Movement.

Thank you for your attention and kind assistance in this matter. I look forward to your prompt reply.


Your name

Your home address with postal code



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